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H1 reim report

HQ News | BNP Paribas REIM shares its convictions on the European real estate market

While the health crisis has had a significant impact on the entire European real estate sector, the economy is shaping up for a recovery. This is confirmed by the new report “Lighthouse – outlook for European Real Estate” released by BNP Paribas REIM. For this third edition, the report is based on the in-house forecasts, analysis and expertise of its local teams, providing an update on asset classes and investment opportunities for the end of 2021 and beyond.

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Stakes EU

Een blik op de Europese wijk

De strategie van de Europese Commissie om haar vastgoedpark te rationaliseren door haar diensten in de Europese wijk te groeperen, zal de komende jaren de drijvende kracht zijn achter de wijk. Hoewel dit niet nieuw is, zal de coronacrisis nog maar eens als accelerator fungereren.

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