BNP Paribas Real Estate has just completed a long-term rental transaction for the offices of the Nagelmackers Bank in Brussels. Belgium’s oldest bank will establish its new Belgian headquarters in 2023 in the Monteco building. A lease for 3,700 sq.m of office space was signed between Nagelmackers and Leasinvest. The bank, which will vacate its current building in Saint Josse-Ten-Noode, wishes to occupy a new building that meets the most advanced criteria in terms of sustainability, efficiency and well-being for its employees.

Built by LeasInvest Real Estate in collaboration with ION, the Monteco office building, located on 14 rue de Montoyer, is a sustainable project distinguished by the intelligent technology used and its wood frame construction. The reception of this new smart building is expected in Q3 2022.

"This symbolic and exemplary transaction was carried out in the midst of a health crisis, in a context that now values energy-neutral buildings. This reflects the current tendency of occupants to direct their research towards new sustainable spaces by respecting the European programmes #Paris2030," notes Bertrand Cotard of BNP Paribas Real Estate

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