Your personality and motivation are :
In our company, people of every profile meet and share knowledge and experience, with a common goal - to create a sustainable urban environment. To capitalise on this wealth, we support each of our employees along a tailor-made career path and bring out your talents.
Your recruitment is accompanied by a personalised integration process, from the moment you apply and throughout your professional experience. This involves several stages.

The BNP Paribas Real Estate recruitment process
Our recruitment process is clear. Our approach is based on three main pillars: objectivity, transparency and respect for candidates.
We make recruitment a pleasant process, a moment of exchange and dialogue in which can-didates are never judged, but assessed on the basis of their skills. We also ensure that the decision-making process is fast and efficient. We commit to a maximum of three interviews, with the whole process taking place over two months (on average).
Feedback is part of our corporate culture. That is why we also commit to giving feedback on the job interview to all candidates who request it and encourage them to share their experi-ence.
To each their own integration!
Congratulations, you are part of the BNP Paribas Real Estate team and are now a participant in the world of tomorrow! To help you develop your skills and gain a better understanding of the real estate sector and the challenges facing our business, we offer you specific training and dedicated exchange and meeting programmes.
Your first days at BNP Paribas Real Estate Your HR representative and local manager are committed to giving you a warm and positive welcome by providing you with the tools and information you will need on a daily basis. You will also be given specific support in your job and your working environment.
Promoting diversity
BNP Paribas Real Estate is committed to integrating and protecting differences within the company and trains its employees in diversity to promote equal opportunities.
Diversity is one of BNP Paribas Real Estate's key areas of corporate social responsibility. This is why we promote diversity from the recruitment stage itself and ask the company's partners to guarantee non-discrimination in the search for future employees.
Since 2005, we have been pursuing a proactive policy to combat discrimination and promote diversity, based on four key principles:
4 principles:
Professional equality between men and wom-en
Employment and inte-gration of disabled per-sons
Diversity of background
Intergenerational diver-sity