The Covid-19 pandemic suddenly forced workers around the world to work from home. Not all of them were ready or had a good working environment at home. There was also a cultural challenge, because for many organisations, the office as a location was identified as the best way to collaborate and strive for performance, both professionally and personally.

As the crisis deeply calls the company's organisation into question, how will the working environment change? What are the new expectations from users and to what extent will it be possible to meet them? How can office buildings be adapted to new health requirements?

The office building must now respond to a new paradigm of Attractiveness, Agility, Resilience and a new form of Safety expected by its users. Attractiveness will be further enhanced by the spirit of the location.  Agility will translate into more flexible, reversible or even inclusive spaces when possible, in order to accommodate greater hybridisation of uses and thus enhance collective, creative and collaborative intelligence. The third pillar, Resilience, will be closely linked to this notion of "better space rather than more space". Finally, Safety, which the current health crisis has accelerated, will meet new expectations which are emerging in terms of air quality, modularity of spaces, adaptability of furniture, privacy, optimisation of flows, etc. In conclusion, although the office building will retain a central place, of which we are convinced, it will increasingly be a hotel of cross-departmental and modular activities that co-working and remote working will simply complement.

NØR or office work in safe mode

One of the buildings on the Brussels office market that fits into this new paradigm of attractiveness, agility, resilience and safety is the new NØR project by NETWORKS in the heart of the Northern Quarter of Brussels.

Maximising air quality

Well-aired and ventilated spaces have been designed to carry COVID-19 particles outside. The ventilation at NØR ensures the air-refreshment rate is 40% higher than standards require. In this way, we are fighting further spread of the virus.

Outstanding BREEAM-building

NØR has attained a BREEAM score of 89.8%. For Health & Well-being, we scored 82%!

  • 89.8%

Step outside

The chance of infection is considerably smaller in the outside air—if you maintain a safe distance. NØR offers you different ways of enjoying life outside. The patio and the spacious balconies on the different storeys of the building are perfect for open-air meetings.

Minimising contact with surfaces

COVID-19 can survive for days on certain surfaces. Fortunately, the movement detectors at NØR ensure that office visitors barely have to come into contact with anything. Of course, the building is also thoroughly cleaned by a professional cleaning crew every day.

Comfort first

NØR has been developed for comfort. The low climate ceiling is a guarantee for healthy air; the lifts and goods lifts make it easy for you to access different levels quickly, while ensuring the building is accessible to everyone, including people with limited mobility.

Enjoy working

At NØR, every workday is an experience. You step inside to be welcomed by an open, well-lit lobby. You have access to various restaurant and cafe facilities. The large balconies around the different storeys of the building offer you fantastic views of Brussels’s urban skyline. Why not host walking meetings in the open air?

Facilities for bikes and cars

NØR is close to the Metro, bus and tram stops, and the Brussels-North railway station. Anyone who would prefer to travel by car or bike during the corona crisis—or afterwards—will be pleased to learn that NØR offers parking for more than 50 bikes and 124 cars.



"Embrace the city"

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